
Maintenance Repair & Overhaul LM2500+/G4 Torque Shafts & VSV Components

Specialized Maintenance Expertise GE LM2500+/G4 Aeroderivative Gas Turbines, Control Systems, Packages and Auxiliary Systems

Rapid turnaround time with absolute adherence to OEM specifications.

Global team providing turn-key installation, removal and inspections.

Overhaul – disassembly, full clean, FPI, dimensional inspection, re-assembly and connecting link adjustments.


Implementation of all associated Service Bulletins covering GE LM2500+ and LM2500+G4 engines.

  • Specialized repairs: Increasing part life to reduce cost.
  • Specialized tooling for bearing assemblies
  • Optimized tolerances to maximize engine performance
  • Rotable exchange stock available
  • Fixed pricing on overhauls
  • < 5 day turnaround, subject to parts availability
  • FW Marsh accepts all OEM vouchers/free issue parts

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E-mail FW Marsh Energy Services at: energy@fwmarsh.com

FW Marsh Energy Services

We look forward to providing you with further information about our dedicated capabilities for LM2500+ engine components and our many other skills and services.

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Ph: +1 910 270 3298
Europe, Middle East and Asia PAC
Ph: +44 1983 615035